Thursday, January 19, 2012

The conscience of Los Angeles

Bobby Kennedy used to be fond of quoting George Bernard Shaw in saying that “some men see things as they are and ask why, other see things that never were and ask why not.” It can be said that esteemed civil rights attorney and activist Connie Rice has shared that vision in the work she has done, both in the courtroom and on the mean streets of Los Angeles.

Rice is the co-founder and co-director of the Advancement Project in Los Angeles. She has received more than 50 major awards for her leadership of diverse coalitions, and her non-traditional approaches to litigating major cases. She is a graduate of Harvard and of the New York University  Law School and has been called "the conscience of Los Angeles." She has now written a memoir Power Concedes Nothing: One Woman's Quest for Social Justice in America, from the Courtroom to the Kill Zones.

My conversation with Connie Rice:

Click here to listen on your iphone or ipad.

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