Since January of 2009 It has been my singular pleasure to put 262 posts up on this site. Interviews and conversations and links covering every aspect of this momentous year. From the inauguration of our 44th President, to issues of politics, economics, pop culture, the environment, the arts, technology and so much more. I have tried to make the interviews I have done a sort of drift net for catching ideas and knowledge and stretching it out through time and space in ever-widening spools. The fact that just about everything else swims into the net, legal questions and sartorial questions and culinary questions and agricultural questions and calendrical questions and epistemological questions, is all part of the excitement and entertainment of the process of dialog.
It’s easy to see that our ideas of community, culture, perhaps even our notions of what constitutes a country, not to mention how we communicate, do business, read, think and see, are being transformed by the vast networks of ideas and information that are cascading in upon us.
E.O. Wilson coined the term “consilience.” Wilson believed that "a balanced perspective cannot be acquired by studying disciplines in pieces, but through the pursuit of the consilience among them." This is the dream that everything we are leaning will fit together into a single overarching vision. That it will enable us to comprehend all of our ancient, modern and post modern philosophies, all our arts and sciences, all our experiments, and all of our innermost feelings that drive us to try to look ahead. It’s the guiding principal of the work I've tried to do. To enable each listener to act as a mirror, each with a unique angle of vision to catch the narrative and creative energy from the pull of what is said.
Particularly with respect to journalism, "the power of the spoken word still exists as a medium of revelation. Long after the burning bush burned out and the pillar of smoke dispersed, words were still the messengers." Today, these spoken words are like the stars in the sky. You are never sure if their sources are still on fire somewhere far away or have gone cold long ago.
My goal continues to make sure that the cacophony of these selected voices continues to be heard….that the fire never grows cold and that the effort to find ourselves inside a sea of competing voices goes on and on and on....
I thank all of you who have listened to and shared these conversations. Your support has been both comforting and inspiring. As we enter this new year, this new decade, I'd love to hear more feedback from all of you as to what you like, what you'd like to hear and see more of and how I can better improve this experience.
Thanks and have a great New Year.
"To discover to the world something which deeply concerns it, and of which it was previously ignorant; to prove to it that it had been mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow creatures..." John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty"
Monday, December 28, 2009
The unbalanced work/life balance
Imagine how different so many aspects of our society and our economy would be if the whole idea of retirement and a "life plan" were ripped asunder. Timothy Ferriss argues that there is a new way to live, one more suitable for unpredictable economic times and one that provides for present-tense, day by day "luxury lifestyle design." Timothy Ferriss, one of Fast Company's "Most Innovate Business People," lays out the predicate for The 4-Hour Workweek.
My conversation with Timothy Ferriss:
My conversation with Timothy Ferriss:
Thursday, December 24, 2009
and Polar Bears....oh my
As the world dithers and debates what to do about climate change, polar bears have become the poster children for all aspect of the debate. Recently, the Interior Department made a controversial proposal to designate more than 200,000 square miles of land in Alaska as critical habitat for polar bears, while still allowing oil and gas exploration to continue in the region. In his new book On Thin Ice: The Changing World of the Polar Bear, marine conservationist and the foremost painter of marine animals in the world, Richard Ellis steps up to offer an impassioned and moving statement on behalf of polar bears, their habitat and all they stand for. Ellis maintains that the extinction of the polar bear is not inevitable, but that in oder to save them, we need to take critical action to prevent their habitat form melting away.
Monday, December 21, 2009
A Fiery Peace
Neil Sheehan is the embodiment of why good journalism is both necessary and relevant. In his new book A Fiery Peace in a Cold War: Bernard Schriever and the Ultimate Weapon, he shows us once again, as he did in A Bright Shining Lie, that the great movements of history turn on the character and actions of individuals. He tells us a story of how we avoided Armageddon during the Cold War and in so doing he helps to instruct us in the importance of appreciating the military and some of its best and brightest, while making sure that we are not overtaken by an overzealous military juggernaut. With balance, insight and an appreciation for history, Sheehan tells us a vivid story for our times and for all times.
My conversation with Neil Sheehan:
My conversation with Neil Sheehan:
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Naked City
While those that love cities often claim to love their authenticity, we still want them to have the latest trendy cafe, boutiques, and galleries that are often at odds with the very authenticity we claim to want. How do we reconcile this desire for convenience and modernity with diversity, quirkiness and and a genuine urban landscape? This is what Sharon Zukin shows us in Naked City: The Death and Life of Authentic Urban Places. She looks at what gives neighborhoods a sense of place, but also why that very sense often prices them out of the market for all but the elite. How does authenticity become exclusivity?
My conversation with Sharon Zukin:
My conversation with Sharon Zukin:
Monday, December 14, 2009
According to the Center for Disease control, we are in the midst of an Influenza pandemic that begin in April of this year. Flu activity is now widespread in 48 states Perhaps this is a good time to look at the last great Influenza pandemic in 1918 that took a global death toll of 21 million people. The disease was all the more horrifying because it attacked not just he very young and very old, but also healthy young adults. It was also an pandemic which changed the face of modern American medicine. John Barry tells the story in is book The Great Influenza: The story of the deadliest pandemic in history.
My conversation with John Barry:
My conversation with John Barry:
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I'm from the government and I'm here to help.....
As government attempts huge undertakings in healthcare, the environment, and the economy, how can we make sure that these often exciting plans will be followed through with effective execution. We have landed men on the moon, administered the Marshall Plan, created the Interstate Highway System and achieved victory in World War II. Yet today we look at government through the lens of Vietnam, The Iraq war, Hurricane Katrina and Challenger. What happened? How has government lost it's mojo? William Eggers, Global Director for Deloitte's public sector industry research program looks at this dilemma in his new work If We Can Put a Man on the Moon: Getting Big Things Done in Government.
My conversation with William Eggers:
My conversation with William Eggers:
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Why we need a new Enlightenment
More than at any other time since the Enlightenment, we fear science as much as we embrace it. Our technical and scientific capabilities have brought the world to a turning point, in which accomplishments clash with expectations, resulting in a kind of cultural schizophrenia. We expect miracles, but have lost faith in the scientists, doctors and other experts capable of producing them. From this contradiction emerges what New Yorker staff writer Michael Specter has written about in his book Denialism: How Irrational Thinking Hinders Scientific Progress, Harms the Planet, and Threatens Our Lives. The rejection of reality in favor of a more easily acceptable lie. It is a dangerous phenomenon, a contagious one, one fueled by the fear of change. Where we once celebrated scientific achievement, we now live in a world where denialists wage a war against progress.
My conversation with Michael Specter:
My conversation with Michael Specter:
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Understanding Obama
Many biographers have told and retold Barack Obama's story. Yet we are still left wondering what makes Obama tick. What accounts for his remarkable poise, self confidence, his sense of narrative and of his long view of history? How as he developed a governing style that is both radical and at the same time classically conservative? How can we separate the natural political mythology that must surround anyone who would be President, from the psychological reality that defines that President. Award winning journalist Sasha Abramsky interviewed close to one hundred of Obama's current and former friends, colleagues, classmates, teachers, staff, mentors, sports buddies, fellow Chicago activists, media consultants, editors and even his next-door neighbors. Each has filled in a piece of the mosaic to creates Abmsky's whole picture Inside Obama's Brain.
My conversation with Sasha Abramsky:
My conversation with Sasha Abramsky:
Monday, December 7, 2009
Goeffrey Canada does "Whatever it takes"
As you might have seen on 60 minutes, this past Sunday night, educational visionary Geoffrey Canada asked what it would take to change the lives of poor children--not one by one, through heroic interventions and occasional miracles, but in big numbers, and in a way that could be replicated nationwide? The question led him to create the Harlem Children's Zone, a ninety-seven-block laboratory in central Harlem where he is testing new and sometimes controversial ideas about poverty in America. His conclusion: if you want poor kids to be able to compete with their middle-class peers, you need to change everything in their lives--their schools, their neighborhoods, even the child-rearing practices of their parents. In his book Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada's Quest to Change Harlem and America, New York Times Magazine contributing editor Paul Tough gives us an inspired portrait not only of Geoffrey Canada but also of the parents and children in Harlem who are struggling to better their lives, often against great odds to create one of the most daring and potentially transformative social experiment of our time.
My conversation with Paul Tough:
My conversation with Paul Tough:
Friday, December 4, 2009
Vietnam still matters
Be it in Bosnia, Iraq or Afghanistan, whenever there is a US military commitment, the specter of Vietnam still haunts us. As the President set about determining his Afghan policy, books about Vietnam were flying off the selves in Washington. The long national nightmare of Vietnam still influences Americas policy makers. Thirty-four years after the fall, we still seek to understand what really happened in Vietnam, what were the military and political mistakes and even successes, and what are the real as opposed to the perceived lessons. Lewis Sorley, former soldier, third generation West Point graduate and confidante of Gen. Patraeus, in his new book A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America's Last Years in Vietnam, gives us a very revisionist view of that war and how it ended.
My conversation with Lewis Sorley:
My conversation with Lewis Sorley:
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Fundamentally wrong.
Religion, more specifically faith has, like almost everything else in our society has become polarized. The irony is that the very discussion about things which should define tolerance, has become itself intolerant. How do we reconcile this and how can faith, doubt and even uncertainty become mainstream again. How can we push back against the forces of religious and political extremism in a way that renews individual freedom. Frank Schaeffer is a man who has seen these issues from all sides. From the evangelical extremes of his father, one of the founders of the religious right, as well as from the vantage point of his owns doubts and questioning.
My conversation with Frank Schaeffer about his new book Patience with God: Faith for People Who Dont Like Religion (or Atheism)
My conversation with Frank Schaeffer about his new book Patience with God: Faith for People Who Dont Like Religion (or Atheism)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Are sports the only way out?
Now a hit motion picture, Michael Lewis's the The Blind Side: Evolution of a Game takes us inside the heart and soul of football and enables us to have a kind of understanding that goes far beyond Friday night lights. Just as Lewis has taken us behind the scenes and into he worlds of baseball (Moneyball), finance (Liars' Poker), the silicon valley (The New, New Thing), he now reveals another side of football, in the story of Michael Oher. Oher, a homeless and athletically gifted Memphis ghetto kid, is taken in by a rich white Southern family who turns his life around through football and Oher's unique ability to play a very special position. In so doing Lewis also reopens the old nature vs. nurture debate, as it sharpens our understanding and appreciation of athletic talent and the extreme rewards of Americas game.
My conversation with Michale Lewis:
My conversation with Michale Lewis:
Is this China's Century?
For over two hundred years we've lived in a Western centric world. Modernity and progress have been defined as being Western. Today China stands astride the world and the question is whether China becomes subsumed in Western hegemony or will the west bend to a new way, a new approach, a new paradigm of politics, business, culture and innovation? These are just some of the questions raised by China expert and journalist Martin Jacques in his book When China Rules the World: The End of the Western World and the Birth of a New Global Order.
My Conversation with Martins Jacques:
My Conversation with Martins Jacques: