As we spend more and more of our Holiday time watching sporting events, as the business of sports continues to grow exponentially, the line between sports and entertainment continues to blur. In a nation besieged by seemingly insurmountable economic problems and the further fracturing of interpersonal bonds, sports with its simplicity, clarity and team identity, becomes stronger than ever. Along with all of this has come billions and billion of dollars to the
sports/entertainment complex. Yet, how to maintain both the integrity of the business model and the purity and honesty of sport, in light of this kind of money, is an ongoing question.
Few have spent more time looking at this issue than
David M. Carter, the Executive Director of the University of Southern California's Sports Business Institute and Professor or Sports Business at the USC'S Marshall School of Business.
My conversation with David M. Carter, about his book
Money Games: Profiting from the Convergence of Sports and Entertainment