"To discover to the world something which deeply concerns it, and of which it was previously ignorant; to prove to it that it had been mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow creatures..."
John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty"
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Seduced By The Road or Why Boys Like Big Trucks?
It is estimated that there are about 3.5 million truck drivers in the U.S. Yet most of us know very little about the business, the culture, or the world of the long haul trucker. They see America, not the way most of us see it, from 30K feet, but up close and personal.
We’ve talked to endless to pundits to try and understand what’s going on in America today. Perhaps no one really understands it better than long haul truck driver.