Again, a marriage becomes the template to examine the socio-political storms swirling around the society. While previously we looked at marriages of the 60's and 70's, now
Sophia Raday, in her new book,
Love in Condition Yellow: A Memoir of an Unlikely Marriage, writes of a marriage, her own, that's a template for a kind of 21st Century point/counterpoint.
Imagine a Berkeley peace activist who falls in love with a straight-laced Oakland police officer. As someone who had run away from cops dressed in riot gear at protests, Sophia was skeptical, to say the least, at the prospect of dating not only a cop but also a West Point graduate, an Airborne Ranger, and a major in the Army Reserve.
The two argue about many of the matters that divide the country; things like drug policy and race relations Then, to up the ante, comes September 11th. Sophia and her husband Barrett must then begin to confront, on a very personal level, their differing viewpoints on polarizing values like fear, duty, family, and patriotism.
My conversation with Sophia Raday: