Suppose you had a youthful passion. Over the years you nurtured that passion, believed in it and even convinced your parents that there might be value in collecting tens of thousands of comic books. Your dad even lets you take over the garage for your comics. At five years old, you fall in love with Batman, and somehow know it might be your future. Over the years you keep that passion as your focus. You become a lawyer as a the only way you know to get into the creative side of show business, and then you parlay that into ownership of the rights to make Batman into a movie. Then, after all of that, you finally get to begin the decade long process to convince someone, in a position of power in Hollywood, to share or even understand your vision for Batman.
In the process you create one of the most successful series in the history of movies. And maybe, just maybe, you keep your sanity while it sometimes seems that those around you are loosing theirs. The man who did of this is Michael Uslan. He shares his story in him new memoir
The Boy Who Loved Batman.
My conversation with Michael Uslan:
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