My conversation with Brad Stone:
"To discover to the world something which deeply concerns it, and of which it was previously ignorant; to prove to it that it had been mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow creatures..." John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty"
Thursday, October 31, 2013
The Everything Store
We all know, or have heard about life in Silicon Valley. The perks, the collegiality, the PowerPoint, the team ethos. In fact, perhaps the most successful company to master the Internet is none of those things. It engages in predatory pricing, it is fiercely competitive, it eschews both PowerPoint and perks. Its leader was Time Magazine’s Person of the Year in 1999 and and yet, is just now 14 years later, reaching the zenith of his power. The company is Amazon and its leader and founder Jeff Bezos. Clearly the company is doing something different and doing it very, very well. Now we have the very best picture of Bezos and Amazon in Brad Stone's fascinating new book The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon.
My conversation with Brad Stone:

My conversation with Brad Stone:
Brad Stone,
jeff schechtman,
The Everything Store
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
New York as a metaphor for America in the 50's

Helprin holds degrees from Harvard College and Harvard's Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, and did postgraduate work at the University of Oxford. He served in the British Merchant Navy, the Israeli infantry, and the Israeli Air Force.
In his latest novel, In Sunlight and in Shadow
In a wide ranging conversation, Helprin and I discuss Mad Men, The Greatest Generation, irony, sex in the workplace and the power of love and counter culture.
My conversation with Mark Helprin:
Minerva Schools at KGI

Just like other form of education, it has remained pretty much the same throughout the 20th Century and into the 21st. Think about it. 100+ years of creative destruction has impacted virtually every aspect of society, but University education has not fully adapted.
It has started to. First by addressing that we live in confusing times. Our personal connections and our world is becoming both more bifurcated and more interdependent, both a the same time. We need to understand each other better, but we also need to understand the wider world much better. So what kind of higher education do we need to try and square this circle?
Former US Senator and former head The New School, Bob Kerrey, is a key part of the new Minerva School at KGI.
My conversation with Senator Bob Kerrey:
Bob Kerrey,
jeff schechtman,
Minerva School at KGI
Monday, October 28, 2013
"A riddle wrapped in an enigma, inside of a mystery."

Today, it seems we look at the Supreme Court in much the same way. At a time when the other branches of government talk about transparency and are exposed by leaks, when we often know too much about Members of Congress and the White House, the court often remains that enigma wrapped in a mystery.
Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet helps us shed some light on the current court with, In the Balance: Law and Politics on the Roberts Court.
My conversation with Mark Tushnet:
Saturday, October 26, 2013
The panic, pleasure and history of CANDY, in one bite

In fact, the story of candy is a story of American industrialization, sensuality, the beginnings of artificial food, the seduction and independence of children, as they first use candy to control their own pleasure. It’s a story told by Rutgers University professor Samira Kawash in Candy: A Century of Panic and Pleasure
My conversation with Samira Kawash:
jeff schechtman,
Samira Kawash
Friday, October 25, 2013
Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House

Political partnerships are different, but still similar. There is no bottom line to worry about, but when one partner starts to succeed politically, ahead of the other, usually there is trouble and strain on the relationship. The Bush/Cheney partnership is a good example.
It seems that every modern Presidential aspirant, when he picks a Vice-Presidential nominee, says that it’s going to be a unique and special partnership. The Bush /Cheney partnership was certainly true to that, especially given the events of 9/11 and the impact that the partnership had on the nation, in ways that we’ll be living with for decades to come.
That’s why New York Times, Chief White House correspondent, Peter Baker's new book, Days of Fire: Bush and Cheney in the White House
My conversation with Peter Baker:
Occupy Wall Street...two years later

The degree to which politics, from President Obama to New York mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio are talking about these issues, should be a sign of success. But is it? Does this two year old movement feel like it has succeeded and if not, what’s left to accomplish?
Recently Bill Ayers talked to me about how movements should eschew ordinary political success in favor of organizing in communities, in neighborhoods, in school and in the workplace. So what’s the legacy of Occupy Wall Street? Nathan Schneider was present at the creation of Occupy and he takes us back in Thank You, Anarchy: Notes from the Occupy Apocalypse
My conversation with Nathan Schneider:
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Where They Were From

Few have a better ear or better understanding of this reality than National Book Award winner and Stegner Fellow Jesmyn Ward. Now she looks back at the loss of five men that she grew up with, in her memoir, Men We Reaped:
My conversation with Jesmyn Ward:
jeff schechtman,
Jesmyn Ward,
Men We Reaped
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Palling around with Bill Ayers

Well, Bill Ayers, who became Public Enemy number one in the eyes of Republicans in 2008, is still deeply committed to social change. The President doesn't pal around with him or take his advice, anymore than he does with Ted Cruz. Bill Ayers has now written a second memoir, picking up where his last, FUGITIVE DAYS, left off.
My conversation with Bill Ayers:
Bill Ayers,
jeff schechtman,
Public Enemy,
social change
Saturday, October 19, 2013
League of Denial

We worry about too big to fail. Yet bank losses pale in comparison to the degree to which the National Football League, has been too big to tell the truth. Its denials have seemingly directly resulted in the death of NFL players. Even worse, it has created untold dangers to young kids playing football, because their parents believed the leagues denials about the risk of brain injury coming from concussion and repetitive head trauma. When seen in its totality, it’s hard to deny that this ten billion dollar Park Avenue business, that is the NFL, does not have blood on its hands.
We’ve all heard the debate questioning the impacts of repeated concussions and head trauma on NFL players. But the facts are are not up for debate. This is not a case where the cover up is worse than the crime. For the NFL, the cover up is the crime.
Two of our top investigative journalists, Mark Fainaru-Wada and Steve Fainaru look inside twenty years of denial on the part of the NFL, in their book and Frontline documentary League of Denial: The NFL, Concussions and the Battle for Truth
My conversation with Mark Fainaru-Wada & Steve Fainaru:
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Why Social Media is the norm and why mass media was the fad

Tom Standage, the digital editor of the Economist gives us historical context for social media and shows how it perfectly echoes past centuries, in his new book Writing on the Wall: Social Media - The First 2,000 Years
My conversation with Tom Standage:
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Fear of pain and other stories
We all remember, or have learned about, FDR telling the nation that “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” In fact, it along with a clip from The Kings Speech is being used in a commercial for a new technology that might help us overcome, what is considered everyone's worst fear, that of public speaking.
Perhaps we remember Woody Allen fearing that the universe was expanding, and how that seemed like a good enough reason to skip school, in 50’s era Brooklyn.
The country is on the brink of disaster because we have elected officials who are afraid of voters, and most of all, afraid of not being reelected.
The bottom line is that in a macro world view, or in the intimacy of our personal lives, fear is a powerful motivator. But what would happen, how would the world change, how would we change, if we could mitigate or eliminate that fear? That's what Patty Chang Anchor set out to discover in Some Nerve: Lessons Learned While Becoming Brave
My conversation with Patty Chang Anker:

Perhaps we remember Woody Allen fearing that the universe was expanding, and how that seemed like a good enough reason to skip school, in 50’s era Brooklyn.
The country is on the brink of disaster because we have elected officials who are afraid of voters, and most of all, afraid of not being reelected.
The bottom line is that in a macro world view, or in the intimacy of our personal lives, fear is a powerful motivator. But what would happen, how would the world change, how would we change, if we could mitigate or eliminate that fear? That's what Patty Chang Anchor set out to discover in Some Nerve: Lessons Learned While Becoming Brave
My conversation with Patty Chang Anker:
jeff schechtman,
Patty Chang Anker,
Some Nerve
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
It really does take a village

Every hour of every day, parents and children separate so that the child might have a better life. It’s not a concept that comes easy to comprehend in the West. Edwidge Danticat, gives us a strong understanding that love means sometimes having to say goodbye.
My conversation with Edwedge Danticat:
Having it all vs. being angry

Oprah has said that women can have it all, but not all at once. And now 31 years after Helen Gurley Brown's book, the debate still rages on. Sheryl Sandberg has recently talked about the efforts of woman in the workplace, and now Debora Spar, the President of Barnard College, in her book Wonder Women: Sex, Power, and the Quest for Perfection,
My conversation with Debora Spar:
Charlie Girl,
Debora Spar,
jeff schechtman,
Wonder Woman
Friday, October 11, 2013
How we think we do it!

In his new book How We Do It: The Evolution and Future of Human Reproduction
My conversation with Robert Martin:
How We Do It,
jeff schechtman,
Robert Martin
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Proof that Hollywood or Broadway really is High School with money

Journalist Michael Sokolove has found another more important link: A group of High School students and a remarkable teacher who turns it all around and brings the positive side of show business to High School. A sense of participation, an appreciation for narrative and story, a kinship in a bigger cause and a need to reach deep inside ourselves to do good work. If only we all had that teacher.
Michael Sokolove did! And he returned to his High School in Levittown, PA. to tell us the story of Drama High: The Incredible True Story of a Brilliant Teacher, a Struggling Town, and the Magic of Theater
My conversation with Michael Sokolove:
Drama High,
jeff schechtman,
Michael Sokolove
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
The spy who was forced in from the cold

In 2003, the outing of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame, by columnist Robert Novak, brought an end of her CIA career. But it also brought all of us, in ways not seen since the Cold War, into better harmony with the symbiotic relationship that exists between politics, espionage, and government bureaucracy.
The outing of Plame triggered a political scandal that would truly make her, the spy who came in from the cold. Now 10 years later, Valerie Plame is back, but this times masquerading as Vanessa Pierson, in her novel Blowback
My conversation with Valerie Plame:
jeff schechtman,
Valerie Plame
Monday, October 7, 2013
When Politics Worked

“What is our present condition? We have just carried an election on principles fairly stated to the people. Now we are told in advance, the government shall be broken up, unless we surrender to those we have beaten, before we take the offices. In this they are either attempting to play upon us, or they are in dead earnest. Either way, if we surrender, it is the end of us, and of the government. They will repeat the experiment upon us ad libitum."
After the Civil War and for 150 years the system worked. Today we are in danger of what Lincoln called “the end of us.”
Perhaps it is necessary to look into contemporary history for what was perhaps the last time that our system of government worked as it was intended. That would be in the 1980’s. It was in part the personalities of people like Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neil and it was also a different time and a different context. Chris Matthews is one of our keenest political observers. He sorts through it all in his new book Tip and the Gipper: When Politics Worked
My conversation with Chris Matthews:
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