"To discover to the world something which deeply concerns it, and of which it was previously ignorant; to prove to it that it had been mistaken on some vital point of temporal or spiritual interest, is as important a service as a human being can render to his fellow creatures..."
John Stuart Mill, "On Liberty"
Every generation of parents wants their children to do better than themselves. It seems though that to accomplish that today, as NY Times columnist Tom Friedman and others have warned, "average is no longer good enough."
So how do we reconcile this with the data that tells us seeing our children for who they are and focusing on their social and emotional needs, is every bit as important as their academic needs.
The student loan crisis has reached epic proportions. Beyond the basic fact that it could be the next financial cries, with debt exceeding one trillion dollars, its impact on higher education, at a time when that education is a prerequisite for today's employment market, makes the problem all the more profound and complicated. It also makes it a matter of urgent attention in the realm of public policy.
Suddenly talk of income equality and poverty has become more acceptable. Perhaps it’s the political season, or Thomas Pikitty’s book, or perhaps it’s just the reality of what we see all around us in America.
But how does talk turn into action and what kind of action? We see in Silicon Valley and in tech, in general, that when a company succeeds, or is bought out, all of the employees, all of the stakeholders benefit. Why can’t that same idea apply to the rest of corporate America?
It has been argued that more evil is committed in the name of banality, than purpose. Certainly a look at our current golden age of television, confirms that. Don Draper, Walter White, and Tony Soprano never really seem to make up their minds about being good or evil.
So what’s the zeitgeist of our culture that separates hero from villain and what's different today than say in the 90’s or even the 50’s?
Who better to ask than Chuck Klosterman, The Ethicist for the NY Times Magazine, and the bestselling author of seven previous books, including Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs no looks into our confusion about good and evil inI Wear the Black Hat: Grappling with Villains (Real and Imagined)
When Hanna Rosin wrote The End of Men, did it also portend the end of fatherhood? There is no question that gender roles have been dramatically changed in the past 50 years. That in almost every measurable metric, women are not just pulling ahead of, but are surpassing men.
Yet fifty years of change, is no match for almost two million years of human evolution. Where these two forces converge is the reality of modern fatherhood.
The scientific, genetic and evolutionary influence of fathers is powerful and provable. Yet in many ways it runs headlong into popular culture, contemporary role models, and the reality of 21st century family life.
Everyday we encounter jerks. Some have recently argued that the number of jerks has increased exponentially, as we all experience greater stress and more frequent encounters, in dense urban environments. But when those jerks go too far, than they truly become assholes.
But why so many, why now and what can we do about it? That's the question that Professor Aaron James asks in Assholes: A Theory. My conversation with Aaron James:
It’s long been said that if you really want to get to know someone, travel with them. The corollary is that if you really want to get to know members of your own family, go on a vacation with them. The crucible of that experience usually brings out both the best and worst of who they are.
That’s the pressure cooker that the Post family is thrown into in Emma Straub's. new novel The Vacationers.
It isn’t easy making it onto the New York Times bestseller list with your second novel, but Straub did so with The Vacationers— the perfect book to bring with you on your summer getaway.
America has more ocean and more coastline than any other nation. We produce more fresh seafood than other nations. Yet the amount of seafood extracted from those oceans, that we keep here in the US, is very small.
Why this disconnect? Why is our relationship to seafood so attenuated? And is there some connection or consistency between the decline of farming in America and the decline of domestically consumed seafood.
Technology is transforming the world. But so too are millions of young people throughout the Middle East, whose attitudes, desire for freedom and more cosmopolitan views, are transforming nations. When these forces combine, the results can be powerful. This is what we’ve seen in the Arab Spring and in the uprisings and youth movements in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.
Living in the West, it's easy to forget that one-sixth of the world's population subsists without sustainable sources of food, medical care, or housing.
More than a billion people around the world are believed to live on a dollar a day... or less. While the circumstances leading to that sort of poverty are varied and complicated, the situations faced by the planet's poorest are depressingly familiar.
Now we get an on the ground look at that world, in a new work by Thomas A. Nazario. He is the founder of a nonprofit called The Forgotten International, and the author of the vividly reported and beautifully photographed,Living on a Dollar a Day: The Lives and Faces of the World's Poor.
Few nations have as long a history of uninterrupted conflict and misunderstanding as the United States and Iran. The markers along that road are tall. The US coup that installed the Shah, the hostage crisis, Khobar towers, Lebanon, holocaust denial and the continually failed US efforts to seize opportunities when presented by Iran, have all contributed.
The issue of US/Iranian relations have run through the center of American foreign policy for the past 60 years, through ten successive administrations, Republican and Democrat alike.
Yet with each successive effort or treatment, the disease always threatens to burst out and become full blown. This is where we are once again, in the nuclear talks in Vienna, and in an effort to stabilize Iraq and Syria.
Several trends are shaping the world today. One is immigration and migration. The mass movement of peoples from rural to urban area and across borders, in search of a better life.
Concurrently, globalization and cultural homogenization are confusing the very idea of national identity. As the recently concluded World Cup proved, we are deeply committed to our ethnic and geographic identity, and yet it’s all within the context of an increasingly borderless and global world
Inherent in this contradiction lies many issues faced by multi racial Americans and particularly Chinese Americans, torn between two models of success
Eric Liu’s story sits at the epicenter of these ideas. Ideas that form the basis of what we really should be discussing as part of our immigration conversation and what Eric talks about in A Chinaman's Chance: One Family's Journey and the Chinese American Dream. My conversation with Eric Liu:
For ten days in March 1971, the Rolling Stones traveled by train and bus to play two shows a night in many of the small theaters and town halls where their careers began. No backstage passes. No security. No sound checks or rehearsals. And only one journalist allowed. That journalist was Robert Greenfield and now, thirty-three years later, he gives us his first an account of this landmark event, which marked the end of the first chapter of the Stones’ extraordinary career.
To paraphrase Shakespeare, that fault is not in our food, but in choices we make. Specifically about what we eat, where it comes from and the policy choices that surround it.
There is no questions that we are meat eaters. But given the forces of big agriculture, and the fast food industry, we have to reassess not the practice of eating meat, but the kinds of meat we choose. Things like factory farming, antibiotics, and many of the practices of the food industry, seek to undermine those choices.
Immigration seems the issue on everyone's mind today. Yet with all the thinking and all the talking, we forget half the story. It’s not just about how the receiving country deals with new immigrants, it’s also about the immigrant’s experience and how that experience, especially for young children, will shape their lives, and in turn their contribution to and role in, the greater society of which they become a part.
When we look at the mass migration to America’s shores at the beginning of the 20th century, we get a glimpse of how that plays out.
Alex Tizon, came to America from the Philippines. He would go on to become a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and the former Seattle bureau chief for the LA Times and currently teaches at the University of Oregon.
It’s easy to forget that long before the intelligence failures of 9/11, the misinformation about Iraq's WMDs and what has become almost the militarization of the CIA, the agency had done well as the bulwark of American Intelligence efforts in the Cold War and in helping to define America's place in the world.
Perhaps there is no better way to look back at that effort, than through the lens of the CIA’s most Zelig like character, Jack Devine.
Devine served eleven Directors of the CIA. He was there when Allende fell in Chile, in the effort to aid the Mujahedeen against the Soviets in Afghanistan, in the morass of Iran/ Contra, in the hunt for Pablo Escobar, during the Haitian coup in 1991, and he ultimately served as leader of the Directorate of Operations, the nerve center of America’s covert operations worldwide. He tells his fascinating story in Good Hunting: An American Spymaster's Story
We all know that our system of government is broken. Mostly we attribute it to bickering and bitter partisanship. But also, in part, it’s the fault of millions upon millions of pages of rules and regulations that seemingly govern every aspect of our lives. This is true on the local, state and national level.
Many of these rules are well meaning. They were put in place to address a problem, or right a wrong or fix an imbalance, but the process has gotten out of hand and hardly kept pace with the progress of the world around them. What we have now, not only stifles innovation, it increases cost and runs counter to some of of our most cherished principles and ideas as to what our country is about. Philip K. Howard, the author of The Death of Common Sense, takes a look at all of these rules in The Rule of Nobody: Saving America from Dead Laws and Broken Government. My conversation with Philip K. Howard:
Back in the last 1960’s there was a very famous ad campaign that asked, What Becomes a Legend Most? In fact, the real answer to that question is not the fur coat that was advertised, but really, it’s for a real legend to have a good biographer.
John Wayne certainly fits the role of a legend. Wayne's is a story filled with contradiction, misinformation and of course the conflating of fact and fiction. Today, 35 years after his death, Wayne is still a bit of a mystery, even while still one of America's favorite movie stars.
What was it about Wayne, his image, his life and his movies, that interconnected so perfectly with his time and his country.
Scott Eyman, who previously has written about John Ford, turns his focus to Wayne in a new biography John Wayne: The Life and Legend